
DC Decoupling Device

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does DC Decoupling Device Mean?

A DC decoupling device is a device used to prevent corrosion of industrial machinery where an electrical device completes an electrical circuit through the machinery and allows electric alternating current (AC) to flow in both directions. When the alternating current flows in both directions it completely stops or reduces the flow of direct current (DC) and provides cathodic protection.


Corrosionpedia Explains DC Decoupling Device

A current must be present in a DC decoupling device. The polarization cell replacement is a part of decoupling device and it needs to be performed on the material part that needs to be protected. This is an important step in order for DC decoupling device to work. A DC decoupling device is used to provide cathodic protection to various equipment such as:

  • Pipelines
  • Tanks
  • Grounding systems
  • Cable casings

The solid-state design eliminates the maintenance requirements and the potentially hazardous electrolytes associated with a DC decoupling device, making it an ideal replacement for electrochemical polarization cells.

Common DC decoupling device applications include:

  • Insulated joint protection
  • AC voltage mitigation
  • Decoupling electrical equipment grounding systems
  • Decoupling from utility grounding systems

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