

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Bumps Mean?

Bumps are considered one of the earliest signs of rusting or corrosion caused by various chemical reactions or elements in the environment. Typically, bumps transform into large bubbles, which can cause coatings to flake off or disintegrate.

Bump formation can happen in almost any industrial setting, such as in pluming, automotive and others.


Corrosionpedia Explains Bumps

Bumps signify that rust formation is most likely to occur. This is typically the case in the plumbing industry when pipes made of cast iron are affected by rust bumps. In severe cases, advanced corrosion is evident when the rust bumps are scraped off the surface. Hence, bumps can be a manifestation that corrosion is ongoing on a surface.

Bumps may also occur in automobiles’ and aircrafts’ painted surfaces, which scratches the paint off, exposing the real damage. In order to prevent or deal with bumps, the following can be implemented:

  • Perform regular inspection for the presence of rust or possible damage in the integrity of anti-corrosion coatings. The best way to prevent failure is to be aware to the early signs of corrosion and rust formation.
  • Protect the surface by using coatings that protect against corrosion. These coatings prevent rust formation.
  • Once detected, correct the problem to stop the progress of corrosion.

Some of the measures to correct corrosion include replacement or removal of the affected part or converting rust through chemical means, making it a highly stable compound. In some cases, the progression of rust is preferred, since it is practical and economical. This is done by spraying the area with sealants and protective sprays.


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