

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does A286 Mean?

A286 is an austenitic, high-strength and high heat-resistant iron-nickel-chromium alloy containing molybdenum and titanium additions. The iron-based super alloy has good corrosion characteristics, maintains good oxidation resistance and high strength at temperatures of up to 1,300ºF. In addition, it has excellent fabrication characteristics, which together with the high strength make it suitable for various aircraft components and industrial gas turbine applications.


Corrosionpedia Explains A286

The A286 alloy contains 24 to 27% nickel, 13.5 to 16% chromium, 1 to 1.50% Molybdenum, 1.90 to 2.35% titanium, silicon up to a maximum of 1%, and manganese of up to 2%. Other additions include carbon at a maximum of 0.08%, phosphorus, sulfur, vanadium, Aluminium and Boron, all at low concentrations of between 0.003 and 0.5%. The iron content covers the balance of at least 49%, and can be higher depending on the amounts used for the alloying elements.

It is produced by the vacuum induction melting or AOD refining methods. Further refining is done using either the vacuum arc, or the electrolag re-melting procedure. The alloy can be hardened to higher strength levels and is usually designed for applications requiring high strength and high corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. In addition, it is used for low temperature applications that require high strength, ductile, non-magnetic materials at temperatures ranging from above room temperature all the way down to least -320°F (-196°C).

The alloy is easily fabricated using the standard procedures for stainless steel and nickel alloys. Cold forming is done when the material is in solution-treated condition while hot forming is done at 2,100 degrees F (1150 °C).

The alloy is often available in a wide range of forms such as strip, sheet, billet, bar, ingot, coil rod, and plate. The alloy is used for applications that require good corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength at temperatures of up to 1300 °F (704 °C). The high temperature and strength characteristics make it suitable for the offshore oil and gas applications since the components are subjected to high heat and stress levels. It is used in the oil and gas industry, in high-strength non-magnetic cryogenic applications, jet engine components, turbine wheels, gas turbines, nozzles, exhaust parts, high temperature springs and fasteners.


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