What Does
Air Drying Mean?
This is the process of removing moisture from surfaces and coatings by using air (forced, dry or hot). Air drying prevents rusting and corrosion, which may be caused by redundant moisture. It is a principle used in the making of air-drying paints and coatings. It also helps to get rid of moisture that can affect adherence, color and the finish of coats and paints.
Corrosionpedia Explains Air Drying
Air drying is applicable in natural-occurring oils like linseed and soybean oils. They use additives in the substances, which allow the absorption of oxygen from the air that results in spontaneous polymerization. This can be achieved by using dry air or gases like nitrogen at a specified pressure.
One method of enhancing corrosion prevention in metals is to enhance the curing and drying of the paints or coatings. This means that the type of resin or polymer that can dry using air ought to be determined. This technique is used to provide substances that will dry fast at low temperatures and also reduce the quantity of volatile organic compounds (VOC).
This method is used when the paints or oils are preheated under the presence of catalysts. Therefore, the type of resin or polyester used will determine whether air drying is to be used when drying corrosion prevention substances. For this technique to be effective, the selection of film thickness matters.