
Insulating Barrier

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Insulating Barrier Mean?

Insulating barrier refers to a type of barrier that stops or retards corrosive elements to the materials of a contacting surface. Insulating barriers are used in building construction, industrial equipment and electronics. Barrier coatings can be used as insulating barriers. Epoxy paint is a good insulating barrier against corrosion.

Thermal barrier coatings are also used as insulating barriers for thermal insulation and corrosion resistance in industrial gas turbine engines.


Corrosionpedia Explains Insulating Barrier

An insulating barrier is a type of barrier that provides an effective moisture, physical or heat barrier from an insulating surface to the contacting surface of materials. This barrier is necessary to protect from corrosion between contacting surfaces or insulating surfaces. Insulating barriers prevent pitting and stress corrosion resulting from moist thermal insulation from the presence of chlorides. Barrier coatings or 0.06 mm-thick aluminum foil can be used as barriers between insulation layers and stainless steel to protect from corrosion.

Since moisture or water is a prime concern regarding corrosion under insulation, the insulating barrier, i.e. the moisture barrier, must be waterproof, free from pinholes, tough, scratch-resistant and durable. A good primer system and a thermal insulation coating are used as an insulating barrier. The epoxy primers provide great adhesion and tough barriers when used directly on steel. The insulating coating barrier is used to lessen the substrate temperature and reduce chances of corrosion.

In electrical insulation, insulating barriers are useful as a thermal and electrical barrier material. This material is designed in various shapes and sizes such as sheets and rolls. It meets the dielectric needs of a variety of applications.



Barrier Coating

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