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Average Percentage Weight Loss (APWL)

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Average Percentage Weight Loss (APWL) Mean?

This is a mean fraction of the recorded difference in weight—for a specific metallic material and number—between the beginning and the end of a selected period of analysis.

It is used in conjunction with corrosion rate to determine material selection for petroleum use. Generally, various petroleum products register different average percentage weight loss; hence the analysis will act as a guide in material selection.


Corrosionpedia Explains Average Percentage Weight Loss (APWL)

When metals are exposed to moisture and oxygen, they begin to corrode. This phenomenon is unavoidable, but by preventive measures, different materials offer varying service life. Through corrosion testing that involves average percentage weight loss (APWL), one is able to determine a material that can provide longer services.

Weight loss analysis is one of the effective ways of determining corrosion in metals. The data arrived at is based on interval monitoring of the tested coupons. The average percentage weight loss is calculated by dividing the average weight loss of a number of specimens of uniform material and dimension, by the average of the original weights of the used specimen; the fraction is multiplied by 100% to get a percentage representation.

In the end, you will have a clear observation of how your materials fare by exposing them in different fluids. The average percentage weight loss is an important corrosion index for petroleum industries.


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