
Liquid Waterproofing

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Liquid Waterproofing Mean?

Liquid waterproofing is the process of making a surface or object water resistant in given conditions by applying a liquid coating to it. The liquid coatings, whether single-or multiple-component, are easy to apply and provide long lasting protection to metals, wood, concrete and other surfaces.

Liquid waterproofing’s capability to penetrate hard-to-reach and irregular surfaces as well as easily coat items with complex, detailed geometries has expanded the range of items and surfaces that can be protected against corrosion and other problems caused by exposure to water.


Corrosionpedia Explains Liquid Waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing has become a widely-used protection method against corrosion of metals, rotting of wooden structures, blistering of paints and other forms of deterioration caused by water.

Liquid waterproofing offers the following advantages:

  • Easy to apply using a brush, roller or sprayer
  • Provides smooth, seamless coating
  • Does not require complex surface preparation before application (cleaning is usually enough which makes liquid waterproofing suitable for applications over existing coated surfaces)
  • Can be applied on hot or cold surfaces and is easy to maintain

Liquid waterproofing is important not only to protect the value of properties but also the safety of the people living in the unprotected properties. Dampness from water promotes the growth of mildew and harmful bacteria. Water can also be an electrical hazard because as a conductor of electricity, it can cause short circuits.


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