
Flare Gas

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Flare Gas Mean?

Flare gas refers to the gases that are disposed of and flared into the atmosphere. Flare gas could contain sulphide and different contaminants like H2S and dioxide, and must therefore be treated before being released. Since flare gas emissions are often toxic or corrosive, they can contribute to the formation of acid rain.

Flare gas also known as flare stack.


Corrosionpedia Explains Flare Gas

In industrial plants, flare stacks are primarily used for burning off ignitable gas, which is freed by pressure relief valves. Flaring consists of:

  • Flared fuel gas
  • Flared waste gas
  • Flared acid gas

Most gas flaring that occurs at oil and gas production sites has nothing to try to with protection against the risks of over-pressuring plant instrumentation. Large amounts of raw fossil fuel are flared as unused or discarded gas after extraction of rock oil petroleum and/or when there is a shortage of pipelines and gas transportation infrastructure.

Flare gas recovery is a choice to scale back the requirement for flare gas being burned into the atmosphere by compressing it. It can be recovered to use as fuel gas. The advantages of flare gas recovery include:

  • Lower combustion emissions as well as oxides of nitrogen, carbon and sulfur
  • Lower fuel gas consumption
  • Reduced flaring noise and odor
  • Less steam consumption
  • Increased economic profitability

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