
Forced Circulation Corrosion

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Forced Circulation Corrosion Mean?

Forced circulation corrosion is corrosion that takes place in pumped or forced circulation systems. In this, the system is comprised of a pump within a locked flow loop. The difference in pressure is generated by the pump that aids in regulating the flow rate of water.

Corrosion can occur in a forced circulation liquid metal environment and it is usually brought about by various elements, such as lithium, sodium, etc.


Corrosionpedia Explains Forced Circulation Corrosion

There are three main forms of liquid metal environments that exist in engineering systems:

  • Thermal convection
  • Stagnant isothermal containment system
  • Forced circulation

All of these may be intended for single or liquid phase, or dual phase involving both vapor and liquid operations. Yet, in laboratory testing, there can be variations. In all three types, the corrosion mechanism and rates rely on factors like:

  • Quantity of phases
  • Active species concentration
  • Source qualities
  • Sinks that remove or add active elements

In sodium, the rate of corrosion is increased when changing from static to thermal, into a forced circulation system. The same thing does not apply in lithium since its solubility is high even in freezing points.


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