
Anodic Method

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Anodic Method Mean?

The anodic method is a technique used by industries to mitigate or prevent corrosion on metal surfaces. This is done by connecting anodic metals within an electrochemical cell to counteract the reaction in a corrosive setting.

This type of protection ensures that the potential of the electrode is directed in order to make metals sustain their passive state.

The anodic method is also known as anodic protection.


Corrosionpedia Explains Anodic Method

When metals are connected as anode in an electrochemical cell, anodic polarization takes place, which leads to the formation of a passive film directly on the metal surface. This is also due to the DC potential applied, giving protection to the metal against the possible damages that can be brought on by corrosion.

The anodic method is the preferred type of protection for storage vessels made from mild steel that usually contain alkaline or acidic fluids combined with sulfuric acid in concentrated solutions. An anodic protection system keeps metal surfaces in a passive state. It involves low-current DC power combined with feedback control to offer protection against corrosion.

It is preferred over cathodic protection, especially for particular metals such as stainless steels and steel alloys. Yet, it must be noted that it is only effective when the power supply of DC is closely monitored. Thus, industries should implement careful monitoring of the direct current supply within an anodic system.

The anodic method is vital in industry, especially in aerospace and other crucial situations and applications where the cathodic method is considered to be not a cost-effective alternative for corrosion protection.



Anodic Protection

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