
Anode Interference

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Anode Interference Mean?

Anode interference is the process of metallic structures capturing direct current leaked through external power systems into the ground, eventually producing similar current, leading to corrosion. This type of interference usually occurs in storage tanks, underground pipelines as well as sheet piles and more.

This type of current interference can be a major challenge due to the fact that it affects cathodic protection in underground pipelines negatively and causes rapid corrosion rates, especially at discharge points.


Corrosionpedia Explains Anode Interference

Anode interference usually affects underground pipelines. In this case, coated pipelines that are under ground beds of impressed currents are surrounded by electrolytes that can attain higher levels of potential compared to remote areas.

With anode interference, the current passes through the pipeline near the anode and eventually departs from pipelines. This is where anode interference takes place, resulting in corrosive effects to the pipelines and other structures under the same setup.

The distribution and value of positive potential near ground beds rely on the operation mode, shape and resistivity of the ground bed itself. One effective way to prevent anode interference is to maintain adequate distance between foreign structures and the ground bed.

Another method of protection is to apply coating on foreign pipes or structures that are surrounding the ground bed. This technique can lower the currents being picked by the anodic zones.

Lastly, the use of sacrificial anodes by connecting it to distant anodic areas can be very effective.


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