
Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Mean?

An ultrasonic thickness gauge is a measuring instrument for nondestructive investigation of a material's thickness using ultrasonic waves. It is used for ultrasonic thickness measurement (UTM) of the thickness of a solid element.

Ultrasonic thickness gauges are designed to improve safety and ensure reliability of materials subject to corrosion or erosion.

The gauge is frequently used to monitor steel thickness in various areas of ships and offshore constructions. It is also used for monitoring pipelines.


Corrosionpedia Explains Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

An ultrasonic thickness gauge is a nondestructive testing (NDT) method that evaluates the thickness of a component by measuring the time it takes for sound to travel from the transducer through the material to the back end of a component, and then measures the time of reflection back to the transducer. The gauge then determines the thickness based on the velocity of sound through the material being tested. The standard frequency used by an ultrasonic thickness gauge is 5MHz.

Ultrasonic thickness gauges are suitable for:

  • Corrosion monitoring
  • Wall thickness measurement
  • Casting/molding thickness testing

Corrosion gauges with dual-element transducers are the primary examination tool used to measure components like:

  • Oil & gas pipelines
  • Power pressure vessels
  • Storage tanks
  • Numerous other applications

Precision gauges employ single-element transducers to supply the thinnest range and highest degree of accuracy possible. Common applications include metals and a variety of non-metals (i.e. glass, ceramic, plastic, etc.).

Advantages of ultrasonic thickness gauges include:

  • Does not require access to both sides of the sample
  • Can be engineered to cope with coatings, linings, etc.
  • Good accuracy (0.1 mm and less)
  • Easy to use

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