
Fog Testing

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Fog Testing Mean?

Fog testing refers to a quickly paced corrosion potential evaluation that is conducted to determine the relative resistance of a metal to degradation in a salt and/or fog environment. It is also used to determine the permeability of coatings and seals in elevated ambient temperatures.


Corrosionpedia Explains Fog Testing

The practice of fog testing is industrially governed by the ASTM B117 operating standard, which is the standard practice for operating salt spray (fog) apparatus. It is primarily referenced by industrial personnel overseeing metallic installations in ocean, sea and other high salt concentration environments.

The material to be tested is sprayed with a salt solution for a predetermined period of time and then examined for reactivity.

Fog testing is used to:

  • Compare the corrosive resistance of two or more samples or finishes
  • Determine the corrosive tendency when a metal or coated surface is penetrated, scratched or otherwise distorted
  • Measure coating adhesion and creep
  • Estimate corrosion resistance in a brine containment



Salt Fog Test

Salt Spray Test

Neutral Salt Spray

Spray Fogging

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