

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Anti-Corrosion Mean?

Anti-corrosion describes measures that are used to combat the occurrence and progression of corrosion. These can be techniques that are applied to reduce the negative effects of corrosion.

There are many of anti-corrosion techniques such as the use of inhibitors, coatings or the utilization of cathodic protection systems—all of which deter the consequences of corrosion.


Corrosionpedia Explains Anti-Corrosion

There are countless anti-corrosion measures used in various industries. One of these is the use of anti-corrosion coatings. Special organic or metallic coatings can be used to protect metal structures from corroding. These are highly effective in giving protection to metal parts or equipment exposed to high levels of saline water and humidity. Such coatings are typically composed of layers such as:

  • Pre-treated layer
  • Middle anti-corrosion primer
  • Polymer topcoat

According to experts, the most efficient coatings are those that contain epoxy aluminum. However, oxide paints and bituminous coatings also work very well.

Another means of fighting corrosion is through galvanizing. In this process, metal, fabricated iron or steel is dipped in a molten bath of zinc, which is referred to as hot-dip galvanizing. This is widely used in major applications and industries that make use of iron and steel such as:

  • Automotive
  • Transportation
  • Paper and pulp
  • Utilities

Other anti-corrosion methods include the use of corrosion inhibitors. These substances, when mixed with the environment even in minute amounts, can effectively reduce corrosion rates in exposed metals. Such inhibitors are used in industries like petroleum refining, chemical and oil production. The most common corrosion inhibitors include:

  • Phosphates
  • Chromates
  • Sodium nitrite
  • Hexamine
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Cinnamaldehyde
  • Amines

Apart from these, there are countless other ways to combat corrosion and its damaging effects. Its applications depend on the industry and machinery to be protected as well as the level of protection required.



Anti Corrosion


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