
Bond Breaker

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Bond Breaker Mean?

A bond breaker is the layer of separator substance applied in different forms between adjoining solid surfaces. It is used to ensure that there is no adhesive molecular bond between the surfaces.

Bond breakers are critical components required for tilt-up construction techniques, and are cost effective and time saving for large structures. Furthermore, they enable lifting and moving of precast members after stripping them in the intended shape.

Bond breakers eliminate cracking of concrete slabs, due to temperature and moisture variation, and help avoid shrinkage cracks in certain applications, such as tilt wall panels.


Corrosionpedia Explains Bond Breaker

Bond breakers are similar to anti-stick material, applied on adjacent metallic and nonmetallic substrates such as concrete and steel, used in construction projects.

Bond breakers are available in several forms such as:

  • Liquid
  • Spray
  • Rods
  • Tape

Bond breakers are classified as membrane forming and non-membrane forming. Initially crude wax and grease were used as bond breakers. Today a large number of different engineered substances and polymers are available for these applications.

The advanced tilt-up slab technique as well as the site-precast method of concrete construction have reduced construction project duration drastically and offered cost-effective solutions for building large structures such as:

  • Office and dwelling spaces
  • Warehouses
  • Hospitals
  • Shopping complexes
  • Manufacturing facilities

Bond breakers minimize the varying loads at the time of moving or stripping of precast components and ensures their easy separation from the casting molds. Generally bond breakers are also designed to provide curing function, to ensure effective curing of casting molds as well as the top surface of precast members.

For architectural and decorative requirement, the bond breaker material should not discolor component parts of precast members.

Factors to be considered while choosing a bond breaker include:

  • Variation in weather during site casting
  • Bond breaker material storage requirements
  • Feasibility of shielding casting molds from hot sun, storm and snow and severe weather conditions
  • Duration for bond breaker drying
  • Planned application of tile adhesive and other sealants on the concrete floor, after its use as a casting slab

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