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Anode Resistance

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Anode Resistance Mean?

Anode resistance is the ratio in a small voltage of an anode to the equivalent change in the anode current.

It is the value of resistance gained when a small voltage movement involving an anode’s electron tube has undergone division due to the slight change in the current of the anode. Identification of anode resistance is essential when applying cathodic protection to marine systems and other industries.

Anode resistance is also known as plate resistance.


Corrosionpedia Explains Anode Resistance

Several approaches have been developed to determine net levels of anode resistance. The opposite flow of electrons that exists between the plate set up by grid with negative charge, space charge and the plate corresponds to the plate resistance (rp) in the tube. This can be best described as a single tube containing three electrodes.

There are also other explanations which make use of voltage and current changes to determine anode resistance instead of the difference that exists between voltages and currents. Hence, plate current change can be brought by plate voltage change parted by the circuit’s total resistance.

Anodic resistance is measured using a triode tube that is presented to a transformer (output) or other types of stage within a concrete circuit. In this case, the anode resistance can be measured by driving tiny unloaded signals into it. This is done to measure the output voltage. This step is usually followed by adding a load resistor and proceeds to reducing it and waiting until the voltage falls to half its original value. At this point, the load resistor is equivalent to the resistor tube source.

This type of measurement works well for basic tube stages with no feedback. Conversely, loading output in order to decrease output voltage can produce a significant reduction in voltage.

There is no particular method to measure anode resistance. The basis exists on the output of the nominal load with the unloaded load. Utilizing a scope to monitor irregular waveforms as well as a digital voltmeter can help obtain measurements.



Plate Resistance

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