

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Arrester Mean?

An arrester is an industrial product which is mainly used to protect equipment or surfaces in case of flame, lightning strikes or other catastrophes as well as processes, such as rusting.

Common forms of arresters include:

  • Flame arrester
  • Lightning or surge arrester
  • Rust arrester

Each of these acts to prevent damage to a surface due to the occurrence of catastrophic failure.


Corrosionpedia Explains Arrester

Arresters take various forms and each has a unique function. The most common forms of arresters are:

  • Surge arrester – This is usually used to protect structures like pipe works above the ground in case of lightning striking the surface. It also lowers the possibility of explosion due to lightning.
  • Flame arrester – This is also known as a "flame trap" or "deflagration arrester." It is an apparatus that halts the combustion of fuel by smothering the flame. Typical applications include preventing the spread of fire, protecting explosive surfaces from igniting and confining fire. It is well suited for gas pipelines, gas storage tanks, etc.
  • Rust arrester – These are mainly anti-corrosion fluid films, gels or lubricants, which arrest or prevent the formation of rust. These are ideal for underwater metallic structures, as they also promote fluid resistance and anti-fouling. The thicker the product that is applied on the surface, the better and longer the protection.

Arresters are used for corrosion control in the gas, oil and other industries.


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