

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Sediment Mean?

Sediment is a naturally occurring substance composed of small particles. It can be broken down by various processes such as erosion and weathering. Sediments can be transported through forces of water, wind, gravity, ice and the action of the particle.


Corrosionpedia Explains Sediment

Sediments are typically transported by glaciers, water and wind. Common examples of deposition and fluvial transport are river channel and sand deposits. In this process, sediments are transported according to the flow strength that carries the sediments as well as other factors like:

  • Shape
  • Density
  • Size
  • Volume

Stronger flows are capable of increasing the drag and lift on the particles, resulting in a rise. Conversely, denser and larger particles are more likely to settle during the flow.

Corrosion in seabed sediment is an essential topic in corrosion science in the environment. The marine environment is divided into various zones. The sediment zone is believed to be the least corrosive. However, it depends on various factors such as:

  • Temperature
  • Particle size
  • Electrical resistance
  • Salinity
  • pH value
  • Dissolved oxygen

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