
Corrosion in the News: October 21, 2019 Roundup

By Corrosionpedia Staff
Published: October 21, 2019 | Last updated: July 19, 2024
Key Takeaways

This week’s stories take a look at the closing of a battleship exhibit due to corrosion, some developments in coating products and a bridge failure possibly due to corrosion, among other contributing factors.

Welcome to the Corrosionpedia News Roundup. In this edition of our corrosion news look-around, we dive into the closing of a battleship exhibit due to corrosion. Also in the news are some developments in coating products and a bridge failure possibly due to corrosion, among other contributing factors. Enjoy!


Early 19th Century US Dreadnought Losing Battle Against Corrosion

A US military battleship that is over a century old is currently closed to public viewing because of corrosion. The USS Texas (BB-35), currently located at the San Jacinto Battle Monument in La Porte, Texas, survived service in both World War I and World War I, but is now losing the battle against corrosion. The corrosion creates many problems for the ship. Perhaps the most serious concern is leaks in the hull area of the ship. This has required the exhibitor in charge of the ship to set up a pumping system to help keep it afloat. However, without addressing the root cause of the corrosion and making repairs, the problem will continue to worsen. Officials are currently trying to decide what the path forward will be.

Coatings Giant PPG May Buy Axalta

An article recently highlighted that PPG may put in a bid to purchase Axalta. This comes only a few months after Axalta said it would consider a sale. PPG is not alone on this move to purchase Axalta. The buyout firm Clayton, Dubilier, & Rice LLC is jointly working with PPG on purchase plans. Because PPG and Axalta have many similar business areas, it is uncertain what scrutiny they would undergo by the United States Federal Trade Commission if an offer was made and a deal was struck.


New Coating Process for Brake Discs Reduces Corrosion and Wear

A joint operation between the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology and the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University in Germany has developed a new laser coating process for brake discs. The process, called extreme high-speed laser material deposition, employs lasers to melt powder as it is sent across the laser beam, rather than other laser coating processes that melt solid powders directly onto the material being coated. By turning the powder into liquid droplets before it reaches the brake disc, the process travel speed can be increased. This in turn reduces distortion and the other effects of excessive heat input.

The coating has less porosity and other discontinuities relative to other coating processes. Brake discs are constantly subjected to wear through the friction of the braking process, and they are constantly subjected to corrosion due to their proximity to the corrosive materials commonly found on roads such as surface treatments containing salt. This coating process shows promise to help reduce the wear and corrosion problems.

Coating Developed For Single-Layer Atom Materials

Developments in materials science have lately been partly focused on the use of materials with only a single layer of atoms for their thickness. These materials are known as two-dimensional because their thickness is so miniscule.


While these materials show great promise for applications in a variety of industries, they are extremely sensitive to corrosion and degradation because of their small thicknesses. Historically, attempts to coat the materials have been unsatisfactory for the most part. However, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a coating that seems to work well on two-dimensional materials. The coating can be applied and removed quite easily with an acid. A coating that works successfully on two-dimensional materials in an economical way could open the door for widespread usage on single atom layer materials.

Bridge Collapse in Taiwan Possibly Caused by Corrosion

The Nanfang’ao bridge underwent a catastrophic failure on October 1. The bridge, located in Taiwan, recently collapsed, killing 6 people and injuring even more. The cause of the bridge failure is still under investigation. Hypotheses have begun forming, and one of them is corrosion, particularly of the steel suspension cables. An inspection report conducted a few years prior noted potential issues with the expansion joints. The bridge was 21-years old when it failed.


New Railcar Coating Improves Corrosion Resistance

Hempel, a coatings manufacturer based out of Denmark, has released an innovative new coating meant to improve the corrosion resistance of railcars. Railcars are exposed to some of the harshest conditions, and are rarely sheltered from the elements. This can lead to coating degradation such as chipping or flaking and color fade. The new coating, Hempatop Direct 460, is an epoxy coating that is applied in one coat, without a primer. It has great adhesion and resistance to ultraviolet light degradation, giving it the ability to defend against corrosion and maintain aesthetics.

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