This is the chemical removal of high-temperature scale and the adjacent low-chromium layer of metal from stainless steel metal surfaces. After welding, or any other heat treatment method, a colored oxide layer forms, and underneath is the chromium-depleted layer on the surface of the steel. When… View Full Term
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Mark Weston, a native of South Australia, is a distinguished corrosion expert with over 45 years’ experience in technical management roles at companies specializing in abrasive blasting and application equipment, corrosion in mining and mineral processing, and protective coatings, linings, and paints. He is a frequent lecturer for both NACE International’s and Australasian Corrosion Association's coating inspection programs, a lifetime member of the ACA and a member of the NACE Peer Review Panel. Weston lectures locally and internationally on corrosion and corrosion control topics, and has published numerous papers at international conferences and in industry journals. He currently focuses on failure analysis and thus he is frequently in demand as an expert witness.
Before writing a protective coating specification, an independent survey must be done to assess the condition of coatings, substrates, and more on all pro