Calibration plates are devices used for the correlation of readings obtained from an instrument to ensure its accuracy. They are typically used for thickness gauges with a dry film. View Full Term
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Mitigating Corrosion Under Insulation and Supporting the Longevity of Industrial Pipe Insulating Systems
Renowned corrosion-industry author and teacher, Lou Vincent has 57 years’ experience in the coatings industry. Lou co-authored the third edition of “Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coatings,” by Charles G. Munger, and authored “The Protective Coatings User’s Handbook” and “The Marine Coating User’s Handbook,” reference manuals that have influenced corrosion professionals for decades.
Rarely does a coating fail because of only one contributing factor. Rather, it is usually two or more factors working in conjunction that cause a coating to fail on a particular site, when that same coating has performed as...
What happens when an aging oil tanker is converted to a floating production and storage operation (FPSO), and then is put in service 12 additional years over the original three-year coating durability specified? What comes...
Writing an effective coating specification can be simple or difficult, depending on the structure to which the coating systems will be applied.
Good coatings selection methodology recommends three representatives to select “equal” coating products for every type of structure and environment.