Kashif Mohammad Contributor Bio - Corrosionpedia

Kashif Mohammad

Chartered Engineer


Kashif Mohammad is a Chartered Engineer, currently working at BS Stainless Limited based in the UK. He leads the R&D activities within the company and has helped BS in developing a range of metal jacketing system for process pipelines and a manufacturing machine for application of coatings on metal jacketing. His interests lie in heat transfer, corrosion, materials and high-performance coatings.

Throughout his career, he has worked on several corroborative R&D projects, funded by the UK government, with academic and commercial partners to develop new innovative products.

He is a member of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I.Mech.E) and works closely with the local committee to promote science and engineering.

Articles by Kashif Mohammad

  • The Role of Metal Jacketing in CUI

    There is no standard method to prevent corrosion under insulation (CUI), only a series of best practices, which when followed properly along with the use of appropriate materials can mitigate the risk.

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